potentially causing cave-ins that crush kit fox pups. To defend the desert kit fox and its dry, scrubby, but ecologically vital habitat, in 2013 the Center petitioned California to protect the desert ...
BREEDING: Kit foxes generally mate in winter and have one litter of two to six pups. Reproductive success has been shown to correlate with prey availability, and breeding success drops in years when ...
"The kit fox likes to come out late into the night, just before the first light of the dawn. You will not likely see her during the day. When the wind blows, she will hide from it in her den and only ...
The pups won't come out of the den at all until they are old enough." Ama Mattsowookstaksini aipisskanniwa, kii itsopoohtsisiiwa. Perfect Number interrupted. “Naa napiima sinopaa ikakomimiiwa ami ...