So, read on to get your, ahem, Phil of bad jokes, amusing knock-knocks and Groundhog Day anecdotes. By the time you're done, we guarantee that you'll have a little spring in your step. How does ...
Break out these spring jokes during your favorite Easter activities and ask the kids what time they should go to bed on Easter (When they're "eggs-hausted," of course). Or, ask what sport you have ...
What do sushi chefs play with their kids during spring break? Go fish ... What do you call a rabbit that tells good jokes? A funny bunny. How do you make a waterbed bouncier?
There's nothing like a good, old-fashioned knock-knock joke to make people laugh. Whether you want to cheer up a pal, impress ...
It turned out to be a couple of kids. Two guys walk ... Why shouldn't you tell ducks jokes on April Fools' Day? They'll quack up. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. Spring apparently wasn't bad ...
Well, we’ve hopped around and gathered the best jokes that will have everyone from kids to adults cracking ... an egg hunt or just want to keep the spring festivities bouncing along, these ...
What kind of bean can't grow in a garden? A jelly bean. How do you tame a wild hare? Wear an Easter bonnet. What's a proper toast at Easter? Ears to a great Easter! Why does the rabbit bring ...