John Noble is most known for turning eating a tomato into a passive-aggressive act, but he's so much more than Lord of the Rings.
John Noble graced the screen in this week's episode ... Noble made waves internationally with his role in The Lord of the Rings trilogy as Denethor, the steward of Gondor whose reign met a tragic ...
John Noble graced the screen in this week's episode ... came with The Lord of the Rings trilogy, where he embodied Denethor, the ruling steward of Gondor who met a sorrowful demise as Mordor's ...
John Noble, the 76 year old actor ... Originally from Australia, Noble gained international fame with his role as Denethor in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the steward of Gondor who met a ...
John Noble, the 76 year old actor ... breakthrough came with The Lord of the Rings trilogy, where he played Denethor, the ...