Obi-Wan would later look after Luke Skywalker on Tatooine. Yoda was a Jedi Grand Master who survived Order 66 through his ...
Very few Jedi survived Order 66, and the ones who lived faced an equally dangerous future after the tragedy. In the aftermath of his galactic takeover, Emperor Palpatine created a group of fallen ...
The new Star Wars series explores the fall of the Jedi Council between the original trilogy and the prequels. The new work provides depth and realism to the effects of Order 66 not seen in the ...
As Obi-Wan Kenobi told us in A New Hope, the Jedi were the guardians of peace ... Bail Organa in Revenge of the Sith, realizing that Order 66 is happening. Lucasilm Bail is meeting this admiral ...
Looking at the timeline, we've got both new additions as well as more precise 'pieces' of major eras we've already explored based on galaxy-reshaping events such as Order ... after the Dawn of the ...
It followed Darth Vader's secret apprentice Starkiller as he hunted down Jedi survivors after Order 66. At the same time, he planted the seeds for the Rebel Alliance which Darth Vader was going to ...
Chronological order, release order, the first order… hell you could even execute order 66 ... the Republic. After Anakin rescues him, Chancellor Palpatine appoints him to the Jedi Council ...