A large number of Japanese deep-sea fishing boats were operating in the region at the time, and an estimated 1,000 vessels are believed to have been exposed to radiation.
The fishing grounds rich in chum salmon, pink salmon and sockeye salmon are located within 200 nautical miles of Japan. “Due to rising sea temperatures, salmon and trout have become almost ...
This strange new deep-sea creature might be a brand-new species to humans, but discovering it in an online fish market was a ...
The Yamatotai fishing grounds, located in the center of the Sea of Japan and considered a treasure trove of "surumeika" Japanese flying squid and crab hauls, was where a collision occurred in ...
Japanese maritime research agency announced that its deep-sea scientific drilling vessel has reached a point at 7,740 meters below the ocean surface, setting the world's record for such drilling.
Vital to many expanding technologies, rare-earth deposits were identified in Japan’s deep-sea clays in 2013. Scientists have been contemplating the technical and environmental challenge this ...
The Sanpoku Revitalization Council will launch in May the "Sanpoku Bio-Regional Park" in the Sanpoku area of Murakami City, ...
Rare-earth muds are only found in deep-sea regions. A notable characteristic of Japan’s oceans is depth. While the country’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) ranks sixth in the world for area ...