The 12 tribes of Israel, named after Jacob's sons, are central to the Hebrew Bible narrative. Scholars question the ...
Over 2,700 years ago, the Assyrians exiled the ten tribes of the Kingdom of Israel. The ten tribes would have returned at once to the Holy Land had not the Lord encircled them with the legendary ...
Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham, was the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. In the Bible, we are told that a divine being he wrestled with changed Jacob’s name. In Genesis 32:28, the ...
(The tribe of Judah was one of the 12 tribes of Israel.) Where did this claim come from, and is it inherently antisemitic? As someone who has reported extensively on the African Hebrew Israelite ...
Until age 24, he lived in a remote corner of northeast India in a community that believes itself to be descended from the ancient Israelite tribe of Menashe. Ritual similarities to Judaism ...
Shvat 23, 2572 (1188 BCE): Armies of the tribes of Israel converged upon the tribe of Binyamin in the aftermath of the “Concubine at Givah” incident in a war that nearly brought about the ...
Editor: Kurt Kruger tries to make a point concerning the recent clashes between Jewish and Palestinian protestors by invoking the biblical stories of the 12 tribes of Israel. He suggests ...
This king has been identified with the last king of Israel, Hoshea, who died around the same time, at the time of the Assyrian exile of the ten tribes from Israel. The holy Japanese shinto temple ...