The labrum is essential for hip joint stability. The cartilage rim deepens the socket and holds the leg bone in place, while allowing movement and flexibility. A labral tear may occur during a ...
The acetabular labrum deepens the hip socket in a fashion that is similar to the way the glenoid labrum deepens the socket. However, in contrast with the glenoid in the glenohumeral joint, the osseous ...
Labral tears in the hip occur when the patient sustains significant trauma or repetitive microtrauma to the hip joint enough to damage the fibrocartilaginous labrum of the hip joint. The labrum ...
Commonly found among male athletes who participate in cutting and pivoting sports, such as soccer, football, basketball and hockey, groin injuries have been associated with a myriad of descriptions ...
Background Surgery for hip femoroacetabular impingement/acetabular labral tear (FAI/ALT) is exponentially increasing despite lacking investigation of the accuracy of ...
Finally, videotapes from each patient's hip arthroscopy were assessed ... When the torn labrum can be seen to infold into the joint, debridement is done, using a shaver and suction punch through ...
A 2008 survey of hip injuries in the NFL introduced the “sports hip triad,” consisting of a hip labral tear, adductor injury and rectus abdominis injury.This concept highlights the frequent ...