An Onion Lake, Sask., man made the catch of a lifetime at a Cross Lake, Man., fishing derby, hauling in a 100-centimetre ...
Gary Pope caught a 13 pound, 6 ounce largemouth during a tournament that tied a league record for the heaviest bass ever ...
The USFWS asks goldfish owners who can no longer keep their pets to rehome them or return them to a pet store — or even consider reaching out to a local aquarium or fish rescue group for help — rather ...
"Follow me, Milliken Fishing, for more action-packed bass fishing adventures, expert angling tips, lure techniques, and big catches from lakes, rivers, and beyond." ...
ATHENS Nearly two years to the day after reeling in ShareLunker 641 from Lake Alan Henry, angler Ross Gomez caught a 14.78-pound ... I knew it was a big fish. I had a five-foot pole with a small ...
ATHENS, Texas — An East Texas angler caught the same fish twice in two ... good and when she started taking line, I knew it was a big fish. I had a five-foot pole with a small reel and eight ...
The previous record was set in 2006 with a a 48-pound, 6-ounce flathead from the Blue Marsh Spillway,Berks County, the Fish & Boat Commission said. What are the biggest catches in Pennsylvania ...