Gunnar Optiks introduces new "Ultimate Fortnite Gaming Glasses" with Clix, offering blue light protection. The Goggles feature Blue and UV Light-Blocking Lens Technology with Clix's personal touch.
Designed by Cody "Clix" Conrod, Gunnar Optiks' latest computer and gaming glasses are the ultimate tool for maintaining optimal vision during hours-long gaming sessions CARLSBAD, Calif, March 5 ...
Designed by Cody "Clix" Conrod, Gunnar Optiks' latest computer and gaming ... hardcase and automatic entry into a raffle to play Fortnite with Clix. The Vision Council of America estimates that ...
GUNNAR Optiks and Clix Collab on the Ultimate Fortnite Gaming Glasses (PRNewsfoto/GUNNAR Optiks) A GUNNAR wearer since the age of 13, Clix relies on GUNNAR's patented lens technologies to keep his ...