Catch of a shark said to measure 20 feet offered glaring proof that the legendary apex predators inhabit the region.
Drone footage of a young shark emerging to the surface of the ocean could be the first sighting of a newborn great white, according to new research, potentially revealing a birthing site for the ...
LIMA, Jan 20 (Reuters) - Paleontologists in Peru on Monday unveiled the 9-million-year-old fossil of a relative of the great white shark that once inhabited the waters of the southern Pacific ...
The fossilized remains belong to Cosmopolitodus hastalis – an extinct mackerel shark closely related to the modern great ...
Often described as the ultimate shark, the great white needs little introduction. When hunting it relies on the element of surprise, ambushing its prey from below. The shark is warm blooded and ...
Griffiths told CNN that the findings also showed how today’s large apex predators, such as the great white shark, could be similarly vulnerable to climate change. The megalodon, great white ...