Meanwhile, across the pond, one of the earth’s top golf courses currently lies beneath of blanket of snow. In sharp contrast to violent weather brewing swirling over the Pacific, however ...
the maintenance staff may be clearing ice or creating drainage channels in melting snow to reduce the risk of winter injury. Putting green covers may also require maintenance to keep them in place ...
Local golfers will be excited to hear that Hillcrest Golf Club plans on opening on March 26 after a mild winter in Durango.
With the wave of warm weather hitting the Southern Tier this week, some golfers have found themselves hitting the greens at ELY Park Golf Course.
UTICA, N.Y. -- The weather is making ideal conditions for spring and winter sports. Warmer temperatures have people excited ...
FARGO — The snow has melted — although more may be on the way this weekend — and golfing season appears to be right around the corner. Edgewood Golf Course in north Fargo, however, is still without a ...
Nearly all of Des Moines public golf courses will be open for golfers this weekend as temperatures continue to rise after almost two weeks of below-freezing temperatures and snow in central Iowa.