Isn't this their practice too?" Premanand Ji said. "If they dedicate their victory to God, the whole of India is connected with them. If they achieve victory, every child in India rejoices.
"I am a devotee of Lord Shiva, and Modi ji also believes in God. Adani is Narendra Modi’s God, he works for Adani 18 hours a day. Whatever he wants, Modi gets him," Rahul Gandhi said.
Rakhi Sawant's love, Pakistani actor, and police officer Dodi Khan, was upset as his country lost to India. He appreciated ...
The Senso-ji Temple is dedicated to Asakusa Kannon, the Buddhist god of mercy and happiness. According to legend, two fishermen struck gold and found a statue of the god while fishing on the ...
Premanand Ji acknowledged that both success and failure are influenced by practice and destiny, urging resilience and faith in God during challenging times. When India head coach Gautam Gambhir ...