ELEPHANT 2: Hold up, guys, I don't believe it! Have you seen the length of this guy's neck? TALL GIRAFFE: I think you'll find this is an especially good tree. GRANDDAD: The giraffes with the ...
The video showing the impressive work of an animal chiropractor treating a giraffe’s neck has left internet users stunned! The clip, shared on Instagram, shows Dr. Joren Whitley, a chiropractor ...
which may reveal why modern giraffes are so throaty. “Discokeryx has extreme morphologies of the head and neck adapted for head-butting behavior,” study coauthor and paleontologist Jin Meng tells ...
Researchers Find Evidence in 7-Million-Yr-Old Fossil of How Giraffes Evolved To Have Such Admirably Long Necks Giraffes are ...
A driver recently saw the giraffe — well, the neck and head of a giraffe — in Macomb, a Detroit suburb, and snapped some photos which were shared on Facebook. The poster on Feb. 27 said the giraffe ...