Like the lone star tick, female deer ticks are larger than males but their scutum is dark brown to black in color and has an overlay that is a shade of brownish-orange. Their geographic range is ...
It took doctors a long time, however, to figure out the unlikely cause: alpha-gal syndrome, also known as red meat allergy, which Wallace probably got from lone star tick bites in her backyard in ...
The Lone Star tick, whose bite can lead to people developing an allergy to red meat and other foods, is found mostly in the southeastern United States, in addition to parts of the Midwest and the ...
Alpha-gal syndrome is the term used to describe the allergic reaction to red meats and mammalian related products, most often through a tick bite. The main parasite responsible for the spread of alpha ...
Lyme-like illness (also known as southern tick-associated rash illness [STARI] or Masters disease) is vectored by the Lone Star tick (Amblyomma americanum). Lyme-like illness lesions, which are ...