Researchers in Spain have discovered mysterious fossilized facial fragments that belonged to an unknown early human species.
The oldest in Western Europe, this fractured skull has introduced a series of new questions about early humanity.
The prehistoric facial bones were found buried in 50 feet of mud and silt, and are believed to be 1.1 to 1.4 million years ...
Archaeologists have unearthed the oldest human face in the continent. The civilization possibly predated Homo erectus 1.8 ...
The fossils — which may date back to 1.4 million years — were nicknamed “Pink” in honor of iconic rock band Pink Floyd.
Bone fragments from a cave in northern Spain suggest there were multiple hominin species living in western Europe around a ...
Western Europe has a new oldest face: the facial bones of an adult nicknamed "Pink" discovered in Spain are from a potential ...
Researchers also found additional relics like stone tools made from flint and quartz, as well as animal bones displaying cut ...
Facial bones dated to between 1.4 and 1.1 million years old have been found in a cave in the Atapuerca mountains in Spain. They are the oldest bones of their kind in Western Europe, and ...
Western Europe has a new oldest face: the facial bones of an adult nicknamed "Pink" discovered in Spain are from a potential new member of the human family who lived more than 1.1 million years ...