Europe, jilted, is in shock. The United States, a nation whose core idea is liberty and whose core calling has been the defense of democracy against tyranny, has turned on its ally and instead ...
Emotions play a critical role in international students’ intercultural adjustment processes. A critical review by a ...
"It comes as a shock to us in Europe, as we are used to operating within frameworks and institutions like the EU and NATO," ...
Say what you want about Trump's rantings and ravings. But what can't be in doubt is their effectiveness. European politicians, ministers, and heads-of-state are so petrified about Washington ...
In Europe, there's now a sense of a "broken relationship" in discovering "the extent of American hostility," one French ...
After all these training sessions, I felt equipped to deal with the culture shock I would feel there, and I was as prepared as one can be when I arrived. What I was not prepared for was the unexpected ...
FOR a coach so used to winning in the higher tiers of European volleyball, the biggest culture shock for Nxle d's Ettore ...