Like, is this if the seals are eating enough food, we're in good shape? BARBER: It's something like that, yeah. DETROW: OK. BARBER: Because elephant seals, especially the mothers, eat a lot of fish.
Long fasts, periods of not eating, are a feature of elephant seal life. Their mothers didn’t eat for the month they nursed the pups. Bulls on the beach may not eat for 100 days. This is the pups ...
By Spoorthy Raman Rhythmic clicks, grunts and roars fill the Año Nuevo Island Reserve in California, home to a large breeding ...
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Marine Mammal Program captured and relocated an elephant seal pup that was ...
Male elephant seals can survive without eating for months at a time when defending their territory, by using energy stored in their thick blubber and They are deep divers, recorded diving at over ...