It’s best to wait until temperatures are consistently 8-10°C before mowing your lawn for the first time this year,' advises ...
Bank Holiday weekend approaches and the weather starts to improve, you may be tempted to head outside and give your lawn its ...
But garden aficianados are warning gardeners not to cut the lawn in March because it can actually destroy your lawn if you ...
Cutting too early during the colder months can damage your lawn as low temperatures can cause extensive damage ...
Lawns can look untidy and overgrown in spring, but gardeners must remain patient for a little while longer or risk damaging ...
The Woodland Trust agrees, saying that you should cut off less than a third of the grass height in your first mow. That’s because “cutting too close will stress the grass, causing shallow ...
We’ve found out the exact time of day that is ideal for cutting the grass, according to a specialist. When should you start cutting the grass after winter? Exact time of day Samantha Richards, garden ...
Lawn maintenance can be exhausting, especially if you're lucky enough to have a big one. CNET's picks of the best riding mowers can help. A big lawn is great for enjoying the summer months or just ...
Overnight frost also means the grass will likely be wet during the day. Mowing the lawn when wet can result in an uneven cut because some of the grass will be weighed down by moisture, meaning the ...
Roughly a decade and a half after it was discontinued, Brooklyn’s senior grass cutting program returns this year.
We’ve found out the exact time of day that is ideal for cutting the grass, according to a specialist. When should you start cutting the grass after winter? Exact time of day Samantha Richards ...