Minerva García shared the biggest culture shocks she faced after moving to the UK from her home in Spain – and they may ...
When people discuss culture shock, it's usually in the context of an American moving to a foreign country or vice versa; however, there are also moments of culture shock when someone who has lived ...
Going from Japan to America has been the ultimate culture shock! In Japan, I can enjoy my meals without tipping, but in the US, it feels like everyone’s asking for a tip! Plus, the train life in ...
Adrienne Fung, 17, Milton Academy (US): My biggest culture shock moment wasn’t really a “shock” but more of a gradual realisation. After going to school in the United States, I got used to ...
It's common to experience culture shock when you're transplanted into a foreign setting. This is a normal reaction to a new environment where you are no longer in control as you have been at home. You ...
To learn more about jazz and its impact, watch The Devil's Music: 1920s Jazz, the final film in the 4-part Culture Shock series.
However, I was surprised the secondhand-shopping culture also extended to gift-giving. I felt like my friends weren't truly appreciating me: Didn't they care enough to get me something new?
Parenting culture in the US was the biggest shock when I returned I figured that moving back to my own country 8 ½ years later would be hard — especially because we were relocating to care for ...
Danny Lauby finally sealed a Tour Card in 2024 after basing himself in the UK in a bid to join the PDC ProTour full time and ...