Salmonella dublin is adapted to live in cattle, which remain the most important reservoir of this strain of the bacteria. It ...
Calf raisers are becoming increasingly cognizant of the need to optimize lifetime dairy cow performance by feeding them ...
Proper nutrition and gut health is key to raising healthy calves. Their nutrition from birth to postweaning can dictate their ...
Guided traffic systems in Canadian dairy barns have cows learning to be milked without the incentive of feed pellets in the ...
We are now at that stage of the calving season where fewer cows are calving down and calf pens are filling and calf scour ...
Beef-on-dairy crossbreeding is the latest step in the evolution of dairy genetics and is now a key driver of the U.S. supply ...
Move over, artificial insemination. Artificial intelligence has found its way onto dairy farms, and is revolutionizing the ...
Raising cattle is both demanding and fulfilling. Each day offers new possibilities for producers to improve their herd and ...