Citrus was more an aspirational 'C', and while growth has pushed out most groves, speciality farms are adding juice to the ...
NBC Bay Area reports that the citrus harvest in California's Central Valley has been "virtually halted" because migrant farmworkers have skipped work en masse in the wake of Trump's sweeping ...
This is peak season for harvesting citrus, and pruning wine grapes. The crews are out.” The California Farm Bureau issued a statement Thursday that it has not heard of any widespread workforce ...
Mahi Pono is redefining agriculture on Maui, transforming former sugarcane land into thriving citrus orchards. John headed to the Valley Isle to meet up with Justin Teixeira, Farming Operations ...
In the middle of rows overgrown with weeds and tree branches bending from the weight of the fruit, Blake showed his harvest proudly. Lacewings and pirate bugs, natural predators of citrus pests ...