The stone of heaven, as it is known in China, is also fueling civil war between the Burmese military and ethnic Kachin guerrillas seeking self-rule. Jade comes in many hues, from the shade of a ...
VCG. Numerous discoveries, including three jade dragon artifacts, from the Neolithic Hongshan culture have been discovered in ...
Items seized in New York include pottery, jade, bronze and Tibetan Buddhist art, some dating back thousands of years.
A major investigation into the real-world effects of the JAK1 inhibitor abrocitinib, in a study called the "Abrocitinib CHinese rEgistry on AD" (AHEAD), made its international debut at the 83rd Annual ...
One of the city's most popular attractions, the Jade Buddha Temple impresses visitors with its legion of statues. The temple was originally built to house two jade statues brought in from Burma.