Explore the enchanting world of bluebells with five intriguing facts, including their legal protection and historical uses.
Virginia bluebells are native wildflowers that bloom ... The plants form an intense carpet of flowers. Up close, the buds are pink, opening up to blue or lavender color with a two-tone effect.
The few days of bright sunshine recently have flushed out the vast blue fragrant carpet of bluebells in the woods near my home. Among the delights of the spring are the arrival of the swallows, ...
Fortunato Gatto (Italy) takes advantage of the gentle dawn light to look down on a canopy of trees, bracken and bluebells. Fortunato has been enjoying the spectacle at Carstramon Wood in the ...
The thin layer of mist caught the sun as the golden glow bathed the spring leaves and the blooming carpet of bluebells – a picture that took three weeks of planning and a morning I will never ...
Staffhurst Wood is famous for its stunning carpet of bluebells that grace us with their beauty for a few fleeting weeks. They are a beautiful symbol of the impermanence of life, beauty and the ...
From a carpet of bluebells in spring to glorious falling leaves in autumn, it’s an ode to the sweeping landscape, rare wildlife, and fascinating characters who live and work here. Every episode charts ...