By his own admission, he has been ‘doxxed, abused, hounded, smeared’ – now, the former GB News presenter and cancel-culture martyr has found a new way to get himself talked about, says Alan Rusbridger ...
A post shared on X claims Calvin Robinson was part of the Catholic Church before losing his ministry license. Verdict: Misleading Robinson was part of the Anglican Catholic Church. He is not Catholic.
Calvin Robinson, previously listed as the priest-in-charge of St Paul's Anglican Catholic Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, had appeared to imitate billionaire Elon Musk's inauguration hand ...
The Anglican Catholic Church announced Wednesday that Father Calvin Robinson is “no longer serving ... hate people based on their ethnicity or religion,” he wrote. “We can and should ...
It is time to catch up with the Rev Calvin Robinson. You remember him? The controversial priest with his own show on GB News who then got “cancelled”…? In fact, the story was a little more complicated ...
A priest in Grand Rapids, Michigan, had his license revoked by the Anglican Catholic Church after the priest mimicked a straight-arm gesture performed by Elon Musk earlier this month.
Rev. Calvin Robinson, Priest-in-charge of the St. Paul's Anglican Catholic Church (ACC) on Lake Michigan Drive in Grand Rapids, is no longer serving as a priest in the church and has had his ...
(Image via Getty Images) Pastor Calvin Robinson has recently been stripped of his church license after allegedly imitating Elon Musk’s viral N*zi salute while addressing a pro-life convention.
Calvin Robinson, who was the priest-in-charge at St Paul’s Anglican Catholic Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, made the gesture during his speech at the National Pro-Life Summit in Washington D ...
A priest was stripped of his duties after making a controversial salute. Calvin Robinson led an Anglican Catholic Church congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan. On social media, he expounds anti ...