An acorn requires special conditions to be met ... pin oak, red oak, and bur oak trees need a chilling period before germination, so you can expect to see these seedlings emerge in the following ...
Acorns of four varieties of oak trees lie Feb. 18 in air pruning pots ... which species to provide and they landed on Northern Red, Bur, Chinkapin, Swamp White and Pin. “The Swamp White is ...
Does your oak tree have brown leaves? If it is a Bur Oak tree, then it may be affected by Bur Oak Blight. The Extension office has seen several pictures over the last couple of weeks of Bur Oak ...
Tree canopies are less than full ... The coarse appearing edge of the acorn cap provides a clue to the burr oak name. Given time, burr oaks grow into their potential with little flash or excitement.