Answering an ask for accessible gardening tools for people over 50, long-term gardener Sue Mazer, 54, suggested this ...
Sure, a standard hand trowel is easily the most versatile garden tool to tackle many tasks. Gosh, even a kitchen spoon added to your gardening toolkit could dig holes for small bulbs. But these ...
You don’t need all 10 of the following, but the full set below will let you tackle most any yard job. 1.) Trowel. Think of ...
I love this time of year, when the bulbs I planted for spring color start to make their way through the soil. To me, it signifies the start of a new gardening season, and a time when I can look ...
Bulb planters are the ideal garden accessory for planting flower bulbs. Choose from smaller hand-held bulb planters or larger long-handled bulb planters.