The male has reddish forehead, breast and rump; a female house finch is streaked gray and brown above, with a lighter underside. Both sexes have brown-streaked bellies. These birds measure 5 3/4 ...
By far, the most regular brown bird on our feeder is the female house finch. The male has a pink head and breast and the female is a drab brown. Look for the conical, seed-cracking bill.
Rosy-finches are small, about 6 inches with gray and black heads, a body that is mostly brown and pink tints on the undersides of wings and belly. They spend much of their time up in the tundra ...
There are now at least 13 species of finches on the Galapagos Islands, each filling a different niche on different islands. All of them evolved from one ancestral species, which colonized the ...
The brown body has distinct, blurry streaking above and below. She lacks the distinct pale eyebrow found on the male. Identifying the male and female house from other Carpodacus finches requires care.