David Arconti, a former Danbury member of the legislature, easily won a committee vote for a four-year term on the Public ...
Ned Lamont traded barbs with the leaders of his own party in the legislature over a proposed spending bill that could send $40 million to local school districts for special education. Democratic ...
Sen. Bob Duff (D- Majority Leader) shares with an update on budget negotiations. Does he think Governor Lamont will veto the bill to create a $40 million emergency fund for special education? And does ...
Gov. Ned Lamont is expected to use a line-item veto to kill a $40 million appropriation for special education that the Senate passed Tuesday.
Senator Bob Duff said the bill came as book bans increased around the United States. Some have questions about the intent behind challenges to books focusing on racism, sexual content, and LGBTQ+ ...
Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff has endorsed Common Council President Barbara Smyth in her bid to become the next mayor of ...