Ring-billed gulls leave the province in the winter but come back to nest in the summer. The tidal mud flats at Bellevue ...
Breeding adult: pale gray upperparts; black wing tip with white mirrors ... and today the ring-billed may be the most populous gull in North America, with an estimated 3 to 4 million individuals ...
A Canterbury man has been fined $6000 for driving a digger repeatedly through a large black-billed gull colony, destroying their nests. Clive Gordon drove a utility vehicle and a 14-tonne digger ...
Adult Bonaparte's gulls have a distinct black face and ... seen on the beach. Ring-billed gulls are smaller and you'll likely see them in parking lots. The Bonaparte's gull feasts on Maine's ...
Many years, ring-billed gulls are the most common wintering gull in Kansas ... Their namesake black ring at the end of their beak is a constant no matter the age. In the winter, these birds ...