You gain 1 Level 1 Spell Slot. Shield Bash When a foe hits you with a melee attack, you can use your Reaction, to knock it Prone unless they succed a Dexterity Saving Throw. Shield of Devotion ...
One such secret is that players have the ability to change their campsite in Act 3. The Sentinel Shield is one of the best shields available in the entirety of Baldur's Gate 3, making it a very ...
He finessed control over it from the Knights of the Shield and the Zhentarim, making himself their most powerful competitor and ally. The Zhentarim are a mercantile organization that seeks to ...
Shield of Faith also grants you a +2 to all Saving throws. Listening to the magical hum this robe emits dulls your senses, thoughts, feelings - everything. Listen too long, and you can almost hear ...