The closest metro stop to the beach is Barceloneta. For more information, consult the Barcelona government website. Sagrada Familia Guided Tour with Skip the Line Ticket (1823 reviews) ...
Bernardo Cortés Maldonado (Jaén, 1934 - Barcelona 2017), i la seva guitarra formen part del paisatge popular d’una ...
Barcelona, the lively capital of Catalonia, is a city full of history, stunning buildings, and a vibrant culture. From famous ...
Accessible via Barceloneta Situated just a stone's throw away from Barcelona's marina and beaches, including Barceloneta Beach, is Barceloneta. Here you'll find plenty of waterfront cafes ...
Barceloneta beach is a 10-minute stroll away. The most romantic hotels in Barcelona The modern Sofitel Barcelona Skipper ...
El Pla de Barris és el programa d’actuacions previstes sobre el territori de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona, on es posa el focus ...
A la secció 'Ciutat Solidaria' donem veu a associacions, fundacions o entitats amb finalitats solidaries i coneixem el seu ...