The San Diego Zoo welcomed a newborn Linné’s two-toed sloth on Feb. 8, the first of its kind to be born at the zoo since June 2022. The pup was born to 12-year-old Xena, who has two other children, ...
The Zoo welcomed the birth of a sloth pup in early February, making it the first of its species to be born there since 2022.
This adorable baby sloth bear cub was born just days before Christmas, but before she can make her debut, she needs a name!
On Tuesday, the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo announced it has welcomed a new baby sloth. The sloth was born on Dec. 18. The mom, a 9-year-old Hoffman's two-toed sloth named Aysan, moved to the Cheyenne ...
Costa Rica's Jaguar Rescue Center made sure to get a baby sloth back to its mother using a tested technique the wildlife center created Rescuers reunited a baby sloth with its mother after the ...