In the summer of 2020, researchers from the University of Manitoba set up a time-lapse camera overlooking the Churchill River ...
By Bobby Bascomb Each year, during summer and fall, large groups of baleen whales gather off the coast of California, U.S., ...
The finding indicates whale songs could serve as a barometer for their overall health, the study said. ‘It is a window into their lives.’ ...
The study focused on a handful of baleen species — namely, gray whales, humpback whales and right whales — which display ...
Photo from John Towner, UnSplash Some baleen whale species are capable of evading orcas — their only known predators — by using stealth-like communication, according to new research.
For humpback whales in the Pacific, their songs may be a solid indicator of the type of food that is swimming nearby. By listening in on their songs from year to year, a team of scientists found ...
Eavesdropping on baleen whale songs in the Pacific Ocean reveals year-to-year variations that track changes in the availability of the species they forage on, reports a new study led by John Ryan ...
Eavesdropping on whale songs has provided vital new information in the battle to protect the endangered species. Variations in detected whale songs are linked with shifting food sources for the ...
Example photo of a humpback whale fluke from which identification of individuals is enabled through distinction of fluke shape and coloration. This photo by T. Cheeseman is of the individual most ...