MYSTIC, CT — A young hooded seal typically found in the icy waters of the Arctic and North Atlantic was rescued from the Providence River last weekend, according to a statement from Mystic Aquarium.
“Without extinction, there would likely be insufficient ecological ‘space’ available for new species.” What? Is this person saying that extinction is a good thing? But what about the ...
As the planet heats up, the summer sea ice and all the superbly adapted life it supports—the bears, the seals, the walruses, the whales, the Arctic cod, the crustaceans, the ice algae—may well ...
DESCRIPTION: Ringed seals, the most widespread Arctic marine mammal, have plump bodies decorated with prominent gray-white rings scattered across a light or dark gray coat. Adults vary widely in size ...
but they are also able to slide quietly over the ice so that they can stalk seals without being noticed. And it seems that the indigenous Arctic communities have long recognized the unique ...
It is common knowledge that Arctic cleanup work is challenging and expensive. Long distances, hard-to-access areas, scattered ...
The project will study Arctic food web structure over the next few years, and also use archive samples of seal teeth collected since the 1950s in the Norwegian Arctic and 1980s in the Canadian Arctic ...