To which I say, aloha. During tough times like these, humanity could benefit from this ancient Hawaiian philosophy. Now, most mainland Americans think "aloha" means "hello," "goodbye," or ...
It may sound like a lot of effort to see a bunch of scattered stones, but like so many things in Hawaii, there's a fascinating story behind them worth knowing. Deeply rooted in ancient Hawaiian ...
Ka‘anapali Beach Hotel photo Ka’anapali Beach Hotel recently unveiled a new schedule of daily land and water cultural activities that celebrate ancient Hawaiian practices. The lineup is kaula ...
On the south shore of Kauai, there’s an ancient Hawaiian cultural site unlike any other in Hawaii. Dating back to the 15th century, Kaneiolouma contains remnants of house sites, taro patches ...
Ho ‘oponopono.” It’s a Hawaiian term (pronounced “hoe oh POE no POE no,” I think), and it’s a philosophy and practice that’s been used for centuries. Somehow I missed it, ...
Ho'oponopono might be a relatively new concept on social media, but in reality, it is an ancient Hawaiian practice that has guided thousands or more people on a path of introspection and forgiveness ...
It grows in a variety of soils and withstands drought, making it a staple in ancient Hawaii. Hawaiians had developed over 250 varieties of sweet potato- uala in Hawaiian- which ranged in color ...