A baby langur is now safe after being abandoned by his family in the wild. New photos of the small monkey show the animal preparing for his new home at the Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand ...
baby animals are just too darn cute! Just take the baby silvered langur monkey that New York’s Bronx Zoo recently welcomed to its animal family. If this cutie pie doesn’t make your day ...
The 10-month-old male spider monkey named Sully weaved his arm through the mesh-style fencing in his habitat and wasn't able ...
An Internet search using the phrase, “baby monkey for sale,” reveals thousands of ads for ... published by AWI and co-authored by AWI’s laboratory animal advisor, Dr. Kenneth Litwak, Schultz tells the ...
The species is considered critically endangered, with the IUCN crediting deforestation, pet trade and unsuitable habitats for ...
Some of your TikTok feeds might feature the content of Kim Raymond “Ray” Feaste , a Black man who is often seen living his best life with his pet monkey, Thabo. However, the creator claims he’s been ...
To help people become familiar with the animals, the zoo holds a public contest to name the first baby monkey born each year. The naming contest has a few conditions, including that the name must ...
Residents in Ica called wildlife officials to report an escaped pet monkey entering their homes and wreaking havoc. Photos show the rescued animal. Photo from Peru’s National Forestry and Wildlife ...