Beowulf's helmet in the poem is described ... Much is still unknown about the Anglo-Saxons, who ruled England from the fifth to 11th centuries, primarily because in the ninth century, the Vikings ...
Seven dramas exploring the time of the Anglo-Saxons in England, including the story of Beowulf. 1. The Anglo-Saxons arrive. video1. The Anglo-Saxons arrive The arrival of the Anglo-Saxons in ...
Narrator: People loved to listen to tales of warriors, because it’s an important part of Anglo-Saxon life. Osric: What happened in the end? Storyteller: See, I said that story of Beowulf would ...
Royal Mail has unveiled a set of stamps featuring mythical creatures and fabled figures from UK folklore. Designed by ...
The largest Anglo-Saxon ship burial ever discovered contained ... its similarity to that depicted in the Old English epic poem, Beowulf. The eponymous hero of this work is a Geat from modern ...
Matthew T. Hussey studies book history and the intellectual culture of Anglo-Saxon England with a focus on Anglo-Latin and Old English literature and their manuscript contexts. Matthew T. Hussey has ...
To portray the fight between Beowulf and the monster Grendel, from the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf, he had to "figure out how to have two figures in a space that works on a small scale" and "wanted ...