The king's mummy and sarcophagus are missing from the royal tomb, which is the second of its kind unearthed this year ...
A group of archaeologists has successfully deciphered a4,000-year-old collection of cuneiform tablets that reveal ominous ...
It is a huge archaeological discovery. But who in Ancient Egypt was it built for? Egyptologists have been left puzzled.
King Tharypas of Epirus, the pioneering ruler who Hellenized the Molossian kingdom, shaped its cultural, political and ...
The 25th Dynasty originated in Nubia, in what is today Sudan, and ruled over ancient Egypt between 744 and 656 BC.
renowned as the best preserved of the ancient burial sites. Unlike their Old and Middle Kingdom predecessors, who built pyramids as funerary monuments, New Kingdom rulers preferred more secluded ...
Hieroglyphs A picture of an object representing a word, syllable, or sound, which is found in ancient Egyptian and other writing systems. Pharaoh A ruler in Ancient Egypt. Sarcophagus A large ...