Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar and NCP (SP) president Sharad Pawar on Thursday shared stage for the second time in a month. The wo leaders were in Pune to attend the annual general ...
Asha Kaki, the mother of Ajit Pawar, prayed before Lord Vitthal in Pandharpur this week, expressing her hope for the Pawar family to reconcile Pune: Asha Kaki, the mother of Ajit Pawar ...
Asha-tai Pawar, Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar's mother, on Wednesday (January 1, 2025) said she prayed to Lord Vitthal that her son and his estranged uncle Sharad Pawar should come ...
Shirdi: NCP President and Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar on Sunday sounded the bugle for the upcoming local and civic body elections in Maharashtra while asking the cadres to gear up with a ...