The following is a summary of “Epidemiology of sepsis-associated acute kidney injury in the ICU with contemporary consensus ...
The following is a summary of “Effect of N-acetylcysteine on antimicrobials induced nephrotoxicity: a meta-analysis,” ...
In recognition of World Kidney Awareness Month, Manipal Hospitals has launched an innovative and thought-provoking campaign ...
Patients with acute kidney injury requiring temporary hemodialysis often follow the protocol used for people on long-term ...
The use of an AI-powered risk assessment tool cut the average length of stay for patients undergoing cardiac catheterization ...
Workplace dehydration, caused by factors like tight schedules and air conditioning, can negatively impact health and ...
Up to 30% of acute kidney injury (AKI) survivors requiring dialysis and personalized care after discharge from the hospital.
Minister Patel replied that the paragraph Chavda was talking about was part of the report where questions have been asked ...