With loss of acinar tissue, there also maybe an imbalance between lipid and ductal cells contributing to the excreta. This may result in an increase in the protein to lipid ratio, leading to ...
In an effort to reduce the ratio of presumably noncontributing acinar tissue to islet tissue specimens were obtained that demonstrated atrophy of the pancreatic acini in dogs two months after ...
Andersson Rolf and her fellow researchers used tissue from the pancreas to create ... This organoid contains the three main types of pancreas cells: acinar cells, ductal cells, and endocrine ...
The researchers hypothesized that a progenitor cell capable of differentiating into acinar, ductal, and endocrine cells—referred to as tripotent—was responsible. To investigate, they used single-cell ...
Instead, vitamin B12 was found to enhance ATP production in pancreatic tissue, thereby reducing acinar cell necrosis and ...