But asteroids aren't inherently menacing. They're just ancient objects, formed early in our solar system's history, that ...
A series of radar images taken by Nasa has revealed that a large asteroid which zoomed past Earth last week was actually two ...
Philip Metzger, a planetary physicist at the University of Central Florida, explained that the primary difference between ...
A nuclear bomb could save Earth from a catastrophic asteroid impact, according to a first-of-its-kind lab study.The new ...
According to experiments and computer simulations, the radiation of a nuclear blast could be enough to change the trajectory ...
The Deep Space Network’s Goldstone Solar System Radar near Barstow, California, captured a series of radar images of the near ...
Eager to not meet a similar fate, the National Academy of Sciences has called for planetary defense to be a national priority ...
Ceres, the largest asteroid in our solar system, may hold a substantial amount of water ice beneath its surface, like an ...
New close-up images reveal the surprising snowman shape of "potentially hazardous" asteroid 2024 ON, which tumbled safely ...