Offering 256 Ways to Relieve Foot Pain, the PediFix Footcare Company is a 4th-generation, family-owned & operated supplier to Podiatrists, Orthopedists, other Healthcare Professionals, their …
Offering 256 Ways to Relieve Foot Pain, the PediFix Footcare Company is a 4th-generation, family-owned & operated supplier to Podiatrists, Orthopedists, other Healthcare Professionals, their patients, & retailers who serve them. We design, develop, and manufacture the world’s finest medical footcare products, previously dispensed exclusively by doctors, but now available in pharmacies, medical equipment & select shoe stores, as well as online. Our mission is to help as many people as possible relieve and prevent foot pain so they can stay active and live comfortably. If you suffer from foot, arch or heel pain, crooked toes, bunions, corns, calluses, turf toe, fungus, skin problems or other foot conditions, we can help!