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Leicestershire & Rutland County FA is responsible for the governance and development of football across the county. The organisation aims to inspire …
I am concerned about the inappropriate behaviour of adults at a Youth Football Match I attended and want to report this. Who do I contact?
The inappropriatebehaviourofadultsatayouthfootballmatch isnotasafeguardingissue. Pleaseraiseyourconcernsbycontactingyourclub’scommittee.Yourclubwilltrytoresolveyour …
The inappropriatebehaviourofadultsatayouthfootballmatch isnotasafeguardingissue. Pleaseraiseyourconcernsbycontactingyourclub’scommittee.Yourclubwilltrytoresolveyour concerns internally or consider reporting them to the County FA’s Discipline Team.